Day 87: Orange Week Meet Taylor Tuesday

Today marks the middle of Orange Week at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. This event is held by OKWU’s Orange Movement and is an event to raise awareness about the problem of human trafficking.

(Find more information about Orange Week and the Orange Movement at

Being that it is Taylor Tuesday I wanted to find some Swift lyrics that went with this week. The task didn’t seem likely with the general nature of Taylor’s music in comparison to the problem of sex trafficking. However, I looked anyway and quickly came upon “Innocent.”

Looking up the lyrics I saw that they are full of God’s heart for children who are forced into the horrific world of human slavery.

“I hope you remember, today is never too late to be brand new…Oh, who you are is not where you’ve been, you’re still an innocent.”

Most children get the chance to just be little kids. Like the song says, “Wasn’t it easier in your lunchbox days? Always a bigger bed to crawl into. Wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything, and everybody believed in you.” But there are thousands of children who never get the chance to believe or experience any of those things.

They don’t get to feel safe and protected, cherished and loved, but instead get used, abused, and abandoned.

“It’s alright, just wait and see, your string of lights is still bright to me. Oh, who you are is not where you’ve been. You’re still an innocent.”

God still provides hope for all those who are being held captive in human slavery. He still loves and sees the light in each of them.

To help in this effort, or to learn more, visit

About Rachel Ross

I am a college student facing the last semester of college before I am thrust, unwillingly and fairly unprepared, into the real world. View all posts by Rachel Ross

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